CIS Summer School


Applications Are Now Closed

Applications for the 2024 Summer School are now closed. Please check back for information regarding applications for 2025



  • Fellows-in-Training
  • Junior Faculty, within two (2) years of completing Training

Applicants should be pediatricians, internists, or scientists committed to the clinical management of patients with primary immunodeficiency diseases. Candidates may have backgrounds in immunology, adult medicine, rheumatology, hematology/oncology, infectious disease, laboratory immunology, or allergy/immunology, among others. For selected attendees, CIS will cover roundtrip, economy airfare; 3 nights lodging at the conference hotel; and meals for the duration of the program.





For fellows and junior faculty considering a career in immunology, this is an excellent opportunity to crystallize your knowledge and to further your knowledge around primary immunodeficiencies, the diagnosing of such disorders, and optimal management strategies. The Summer School offers an unparalleled opportunity to interact with leaders in the field and to network with your colleagues, both junior and senior.




The case should have a main discussion point.  This can be a diagnostic surprise and teaching point or a management dilemma suitable for discussion. In some cases, a research project focused on a clinical or translational issue of broad relevance would be acceptable.

  • Case/Abstract Text: 1 page limit
  • Curriculum Vitae: 3 page limit
  • Letter of Support/Recommendation: 2 page limit - letter may be from Training Program Director or Division Chief
  • Personal Statement: no more than 500 words - please answer the following question:
    How will attending the CIS Summer School advance your career in Immunology?




NEW DEADELINE: Applications close Sunday, July 14th at 11:59PM EDT
