Clinical Immunology Society

Membership Code of Conduct


The CIS Council/committees/chairs, members, representatives and association management company employees observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. As representatives of CIS, we all must practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling our responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations.


Expectations of Membership:

  • Comply with all applicable statutes and regulations applying to non-profit organization and the terms of the Articles of Incorporation, the bylaws, and the policies adopted by the Council;
  • Protect the interests of the association as determined by its Council, its mission and prudent business practice;
  • Refrain from using my membership with CIS for my own personal advantage of the advantage of any special interests inside or outside of the association;
  • Protect the confidentiality of private or confidential information to which I become a party as a member of CIS, i.e. member directory, financial information, etc;
  • Exercise my vote on CIS policies and elections;
  • Conduct myself so as to reflect credit on the association;
  • Promote the society and encourage the participation of young investigators;
  • Maintain active membership status by renewing membership dues annually;
  • Tender my resignation form membership if I am, or become, unable to serve in accordance with the provisions of this commitment.

Any violations of these expectations will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis, and could result in expulsion from the Society by the CIS Council.

