Immunologic and Genetic Studies for Patients with Severe COVID-19
Helen Su, Gigi Notarangelo and Jean-Laurent Casanova are interested in recruiting pediatric and young adult patients* with life threatening or lethal COVID19, especially those without underlying co-morbidities.
If people want to join their international consortium and contribute patients to this research effort, we are happy to collaborate. They are planning on not only performing WGS/WES in such patients to identify genetic variants predisposing to susceptibility (and more importantly functionally validating any causative variants), but also through our NIH co-investigators to examine TCR/BCR repertoire with TCR antigen mapping, IFN/chemokine/cytokine responses, and serological responses, longitudinally in patients where possible. Hopefully through the comprehensive analyses there will be important discoveries to combat this pandemic.
If interested, please contact any of the investigators, or the study coordinators: Helen Matthews or Sandra Maxwell, and to reach Helen Su:
*Young adult is being defined as anyone less than 50 without co-morbidities, but the studies will likely prioritize those less than 30, and especially with multiple cases in the family. But for now, happy to hear about cases less than 50 years old who were otherwise healthy.
Chart Summarizing All Current COVID-19 Diagnostic Tests

COVID-19 Information for Families Affected by PI
The Immune Deficiency Foundation (IDF) has compiled a list of resources and updates (in English and Spanish) for those affected by a primary immunodeficiency.
The Pediatric Infectious Disease Society through the PIDTRAN network of pediatric ID practitioners is collecting ALL COVID-19 cases in Pediatrics in the US including those with and without immunocompromising conditions.
We encourage all pediatrics groups to work with their infectious disease colleagues to report each case only once.
We invite you/your center to participate. We are asking you to contribute de-identified information about any COVID-19 case in pediatric patients, inpatient or outpatient, diagnosed or treated at your center.
This survey is for ALL pediatric patients less than 21 years of age in the USA, including:
- General Pediatric patients, with or without other co-morbidities
- Immunocompromised pediatric patients
- Transplant and cellular therapy recipients
To submit a case via the electronic survey forms, click here or copy and paste the following url:
What you need to know:
- St. Jude Children's Research Hospital IRB has approved this study and has determined that other sites providing non-HIPAA identifiable clinical data for this project are NOT considered to be engaged in human subjects research. Your role in the project does NOT require local IRB approval at your site, but please refer to your local policies and procedures. (please see attached documentation that can be shared with your local IRB if needed.)
- This is an initial survey for the first 7 days of COVID-19 illness. A follow-up survey forms should be completed once the patient has reached Day 28 post Covid-19 diagnosis. We will send you an email with the link to complete the follow-up survey forms once you have submitted the initial survey.
- We hope that individuals within each institution will work together so that cases are only entered once.
- Sites will be asked to record the REDCap assigned subject ID for each patient they submit. This subject ID will be available on the electronic survey. We have attached a log to track to use as a tool for tracking patients; however, you may use whatever tracking method you prefer. This log is not to be shared with anyone outside of your site. Please maintain your patient tracking linking the patient to the REDCap ID until notified that the study has been completed.
We encourage you to share this invitation with your colleagues at other institutions!
Please contact PIDTRANCoordinators@STJUDE.ORG with any questions.
Children's Resource - "The Immunocytes and the Coronavirus"
Since we are born, we are threatened by many dangerous microbes that cause infection and death. To fight them, we need various defense cells, which we will call immunocytes.
On rare occasions, new infectious agents emerge in the world, to which our immunocytes may not be prepared. One of them is Corina, the coronavirus.
In this book, we will understand the global danger posed by Corina and learn how to help our immunocytes in this deadly battle.