Autoantibodies to Cytokines: Detection and Functional Assays

Autoantibodies to Interferon Gamma

Measures of phosphorylation of STAT1 in response to gIFN by flow cytometry. Test Code: Étude functionnelle and indicate yourself

Binding and functional analysis of autoantibodies to IFNg by ELISA and reflex P-STAT1 inhibition assay. Test Code: IFNGAB

Autoantibodies to GMCSF

Measurement of autoantibodies to GMCSF by ELISA. Test Code: GMCSF Autoantibody

Measurement of STAT5 phosphorylation following GMCSF stimulation. Test Code GM-CSF Receptor Stimulation

Measures of phosphorylation/dephosphorylation STAT5 (IL2, IL3, IL15, and GMCSF-induced) by flow cytometry. Test Code: Étude functionnelle and indicate yourself

ELISA measurement of GM-CSF autoantibodies, and reflex testing of P-STAT5 inhibition for positive samples. Test Code: GMCSFA


Therapeutic Monitoring Lymphocyte Depletion

NOTE: lymphocyte subsets are available at many labs and can be used to monitor lymphocyte depleting agents such as alemtuzumab, ATG, and rituximab, while Lymphocyte Activation Panels that include CD25 can be used to monitor selective depletion following basiliximab (see General Immunophenotyping – Flow Cytometry).

Therapeutic Monitoring Following Alemtuzumab (CD52 Expression)

Quantifies CD52 on T cells, NK cells, B cells, monocytes. Test Code: CD52 Expression 

Therapeutic Monitoring Following Alemtuzumab (Alemtuzumab Levels)

Flow based assay to measure alemtuzumab levels in whole blood. Test Code: Alemtuzumab Level


Molecular Tests (non-Gene Sequencing)

TREC Quantitation Relative to CD3 T Cell Count

TREC quantitatoin reported as copies per million CD3+ T cells. Test Code: TREC; #87959

TCR Vb Spectratyping for T Cell Receptor Repertoire Diversity

Both visual interpretation of spectratype and diversity ratio information included in report.  Test Code: TCRVB; #62930

T-cell Clonality Panel (TCRG, TCRB), PCR. Interrogates both the T-cell receptor beta (TCRB) locus and the T-cell receptor gamma (TCRG) locus by a PCR method based on the BIOMED-2 consensus. Test Code: 91445

T-cell Receptor (TCR) Gamma Gene Rearrangement, PCR. Interrogates the T-cell receptor gamma locus (TCRG) by a PCR method based on the BIOMED-2 consensus. Test Code: 90509

T-cell Receptor (TCR) Beta Gene Rearrangement, PCR. Interrogates the T-cell receptor beta locus (TCRB) by a PCR method based on the BIOMED-2 consensus. Test Code: 91446


Specialized Serologic Testing for Vaccine Response Evaluation
(not including routine vaccine titers)

Salmonella Typhi IgG (STIGG)

ELISA assay evaluates Salmonella typhi polysaccharide vaccine-specific IgG antibodies, which can be done in (suspected) immunodeficient patients on immunoglobulin replacement therapy.  Test Code: STIGG

Functional Antibody Analysis

Functional Antibody Analysis- Pneumococcal Avidity.  A modification of the standard pneumococcal assay, using varying concentrations of ammonium thiocyanate.  Bound antibodies are detected with an antibody that recognizes human IgG. The IgG antibody concentration is calculated using a standard curve referenced to WHO standard serum 89SF. The avidity is calculated based on binding with various concentrations of thiocyanate.  Multiple Panels available with varying number of serotypes:  Test Codes: 401734, 401846, 401839, and 4017345
